kobe · travel

kobe trip : rokko international music box museum

our first stop is rokko international music box museum 六甲オルゴールミュージアム

if you want to visit please check this link Rokko International Musical Box Museum

The entrance looks like we will entering magical fairy village.



Mini Concert

After buying ticket we being asked to go to second floor and watch mini concert of the music box. Quite amusing to listen to various old music boxes.

The concert is like this situation. About 5 machines will be shown at each concert. Not only literal music box, this museum also show automata.

After the concert we can see or play with the machine too.

I take photo in front of one music box which made at my birth year. Glory glory 1991!

I am a bit wonder with that “de kempenaur” machine, it sound so european/dutch name but the woodcraft is super balinese or javanese type. I bet it is coming from dutch and it is some sort indonesia inspired hahaha. Gonna search on wikipedia/google now!

Wo I found..

De Kempenaer itself was dutch politician who live around 1800-something

But the machine is built in 1938 and become the largest mechanical organ in Asia. Reference see link below..

121 key Gebr. Decap “De Kempenaer”


Piano Flower

2nd Floor main decoration is this piano music box.


2F Secret Garden

This museum also surprisingly has indoor garden with a pond!

The garden has pond and we can sit around this pond. Some forest area has mini music-boxes which you can play around. I found about 2 music-boxes, one song is “jupiter” and other is “when you wish upon a star”


Music Box Store

Kawaii music box omiyage.. Next time we will visit this museum again and try to have music box making workshop (we only have short time today – to visit all rokko travel spot 😀 ). But since we bought pass ticket to all rokko area, we can have one more visit for free until November 2017.