travel · yogyakarta

yogyakarta trip : kunena eatery

So we passed the baciro area and went to this restaurant for brunch (as before we cannot eat at rumah paris) and do not know what time the restaurant open. We came 30 minutes earlier and wait inside.

This restaurant has many good spots, like seriously, don’t ever miss it! And when we came, there is a couple doing prewed shoot, so this beautiful place is valid (not just based on my opinion haha).


there she is, the beautiful bride in red!




they have patio and big glass window and roof.





and we went to courtyard area, well everything is good with green around. simply catch our eyes, isn’t it?

darn that massive patterns and textures! the restaurant management surely know how to use blue color continuity to all kind of room as the detail.


the most back room is open to a garden and this big black seat sofa is very extravagant. I think it is good corner to cuddle with your partner on his/her birthday. Especially this area kind of secret though. :*



The second floor is a big spacious room with the dragon mural and navy-theme accessories. I don’t know if this place busy or not in the weekend, but judging by the amount of furnitures in here, it seems they’re hitting the town.

And of course, the food were amazing.



like, who doesn’t interested in pink-colored pasta?! it’s totally a YAAY from me!


Well, this restaurant is our last destination in this Yogyakarta trip and we have to go back to Jakarta to continue our life as company worker again (*sigh*). But surely this trip is very fun for us as we could have short runaway from the traffic-hell-jam and say bye bye to mountains of works.

I think we are so blessed in this trip, because we can stay at many spots spot and each found attractively good area for taking photos.

Yogyakarta, thank you for making good memories to us 🙂


travel · yogyakarta

yogyakarta trip : rumah paris

While driving back to Yogyakarta, we search for breakfast and stumbled upon this “bed and breakfast” Rumah Paris. Well, kinda dissapointed though because if we want to eat there, we have to reserve it before, but you are always welcome to see around this house (30 min sightseeing and taking photos Rp. 50.000). So we decided to, have a seat here, and make our money well spent.


It is real homestay, so you can sleep in 2-3 bedrooms upstair (if you interested). Whole house can be used for photography, taking film, making videos (I thought one of Indonesian band use this house as their MV properties), and maybe garden party is good idea!


As you can see, while I visit there’s some models waiting to be taking photo.


and also me in another corner try not to interrupt their session haha

anyway every corner in this house full of cute and vintage things! but well it’s too colourful, just very good to put into magazine, I don’t think so comfortable for real living :p



Well, our stomach is growling big sounds, so we have to go and search food as soon as possible. time to leave.

bye bye for now. maybe later I will try to sleep here and wake up like the owner of this house. hoho.


travel · yogyakarta

yogyakarta trip : kebun buah mangunan & hutan pinus imogiri


first of all the title mean mangunan fruit area/park and imogiri pine forest. The two destinations nearby, so you can visit both in one time. Approximately 1 hr from city center to south area, and before you coming there, make sure your transportation/vehicle you use at least can ride the steep road, you’ll gonna be fine.

Mangunan fruit park actually just a name, you cannot find fruit in here, yeah, it is only a downstair steps where you can see a river view between 2 hills. And it is so good if you take photo before 6am since the cloud is still there.



We arrived almost 7 pm, but maybe we are lucky we still can see the cloud. My friend said if we come earlier, the cloud is reaching the gate so maybe we can touch it. But at that time we are so tired and wake up 5.30 already enough though.


Don’t forget to bring your hair tie and also shades! the sunshine is pretty happy to greet us that morning that I can even smile with my eyes open that time, haha.


and this is the river itself, well this month is rainy season so color is very brownish, but if you visit another season, it surely greenish-blue normal river color.


And if you continue to visit Imogiri pine forest, just go out and follow the route, it is very near and breathtaking moment to stay and enjoy the feeling.


this is the entrance gate and the white cardigan lady is my friend 🙂


I actually don’t know what to do in here, perhaps some people only taking selfies, and I saw some couple doing pre-wed photos. And we stay only like 20 minutes. Take some snaps and go back to Yogya city centre.


Btw, I bought this shades in Aldo and I got special price as they just open branch in Yogyakarta. Do you think it is cool shape?



I’m not really shades user, but I think this is a bit vintage and suit my style. Although I didn’t use that again until now.

I hope summer coming soon and I can use those shade again!


travel · yogyakarta

yogyakarta trip : roaster and bear cafe

Rain was falling down and we not decided yet where to go, so we just wandering with our car and arrived to Harper Hotel, and if we get parking area, we will visit the famous cafe Roaster and Bear. And lucky, there’s enough space for us to park in this busy downtown.

So this cafe is well known for the bear things? so many bear pictures and teddy bears in real size and properties to hold on and every corner has its own theme.

My friend is not so hungry and we also have to go home a bit early today, so snacking is best option!


I choose fish and chips and calamari (?) If I am not wrong hehe (I tend to forget what I have been eat). And because our corner is sweet and cute bear backwall, we endlessly take so many photos.




sweet one, cute one, calm one, which do you prefer? 😀



It is not only cute bear background, but you can make a good rain scene by looking out the window.

but yeah don’t worry to take photos! It is very common and every guest coming here is taking photos heavily so  do express yourself while you can!


Lastly, enjoy your stay in here!

travel · yogyakarta

yogyakarta trip : museum ullen sentalu

Me and my close friend since child hood was accidentally buying ticket train to yogyakarta, without long thought. And this city was where I was studying for university, I can’t say NO to this plan. We proceed the plan and go without even thinking what we should do. Just,, have fun?!

So first day we arrived yogya very early at tugu station (we took night taksaka from gambir station-jakarta) and meet our car vendor, a reliable and quite funny car rental owner, Heru from rental Aman Amin Jogja. And we arrived home, take bath, sleep, then drive to Mt. Merapi, Kaliurang Area.

This is our first destination “Museum Ullen Sentalu”. A museum about keraton (old Mataram Kingdom) and a bit but comprehensive javanese culture. It spend around Rp. 35.000- Rp. 50.000 to pursue the entrance ticket. But I guaranteed it is interesting! Inside museum we cannot take photos so, I only share our selfie.


This photo taken at last of tour, so after this spot we can roam around and take photo freely.


The building behind me is souvenir shop and upstair is cafe, you may taste indische food and javanese food there. Fresh mountain air and not so shiny weather is a very perfect day for us taking photo continuously.


I cannot say much about this museum, because it was so unique yet mysterious and my only advice is you have to come by yourself to experience it. If you’re in yogyakarta now, don’t miss it!