kobe · travel


It’s been a long time I have wanted to go to the Oji Zoo because it is near campus, and this week my friend said, she can visit it with our cultural pass ID and it will be a free pass to enter the zoo. After my boyfriend finished class, I *a bit* forced him to join this zoo tour ahehehe!



Well later I found my cultural pass is cannot be a free pass, but I don’t care I still want to go inside this zoo lol.




In the entrance we were welcome by flamingos, like hundred, hundred of flamingos!! and so we choose some area to go..



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Like this Koala House!

Koala house also makes me terrified as I once touch koala when I was in Sydney. But yes, they were sleeping all day long, not so interesting.




To be honest, this is the most cutest attraction or animal at this time, red panda! or tanuki -in japanese- very very かわいい!!!

We stood so long in front of their area just to capture this panda, but they were so active motion, gosh cutie panda keep running and rolling, my camera and my heart die!




At bird area which so empty because this season in Hyogo and Osaka norovirus become red level. Be careful with bird guys.. So I will just post our photos, okay?! hehehe..



Petting area with bunnies and marmots. We are so lucky that we can pet at the last chance though with other children and couples.



Visiting zoo at winter season is a bit boring because animal is sleeping. Well Oji zoo is near so we absolutely will visit again at another season.

Now let’s sleep with open eyes like this alligator, lol.



See you again Oji Zoo!

hyogo · travel

hyogo trip : tanba-sasayama (2/2)

This part is specialized to talk about persimmons, japan persimmons, or we can say kaki.


Back to Indonesia we have persimmons also, named kesemek. It looks like japan shape only not so good skin quality. Taste may be different as Indonesia one more sweet and wet while Japan is more crunchy and ideal sweet. Kaki is quite expensive, a shop near my house sell one fruits for 350yen! Well other shops might sell 400 yen for 2 fruits. Still expensive though, rather than indonesia fruits. But the taste is amazingly delicious. I guess it is also good for diet because it is naturally sweet.


So this is my first time gone kaki picking. Please enjoy my photo and explanation 🙂



The village where we will do kaki picking looks so quiet and peaceful.


And we can spot easily the kaki tree, without leaves, it looks so attractive.


Kaki are in season around late autumn and winter when they are often seen hanging on while the leaves have all fallen.


Originally coming from China, and it have been cultivatef in Japan since the 7th century. Kaki are most commonly enjoyed raw after being peeled and cut into pieces.


Yes, I can cut it nicely!






Do you know that kaki has 4 types cultivars?

Luckily, I get detail explanation from Mr. Adachi (my boyfriend’s father).

There are 4 types of kaki cultivars. Those are:

  1. Perfect bitter
  2. Unperfect bitter
  3. Unperfect sweet
  4. Perfect sweet

Kaki increases fructose (sweetness) and water-soluble tannin (bitterness) simultaneously with fruit growth, so slowly as fruit grows, bitterness will masks the sweetness.

On the other hand, seeds emit some substance to convert water-soluble tannin (bitterness) to unsoluble one (less bitterness). Then kaki fruits released bitterness and emphasize sweetness from the vicinity of seeds.

[I bet that means generally if the fruit has seeds might be sweeter than the fruits that not have seeds]


full baskets of kaki, yum yum yummmm..

So the type 2 and 3, the number and size of seeds affecting the sweetness factor. However in type 1. perfect bitter type, even they have seeds the insolubilization will never occurs (stay bitter), and in type 4. perfect sweet type, insolubilization proceeds naturally even if no seeds.



Although that 4 kaki cultivar types, they have one similarity.

Can you guess?

All types is edible.

Yes, you can eat all types, even the perfect bitter one.

Of course it needed artificial tannin insolubilization by alcohol, carbon dioxide, etc. but technically the statement is correct. hehehe..




Not only raw eaten, there is also one unique process make kaki more special. The technique name is :

Japan massaged dried persimmon : tsurushi-gaki


Tsurushi-gaki are persimmons that are peeled..


And tied to a rope, in certain ways..


And dried whole over period of several weeks through a combination of hanging and delicate hand-massaging, until sugars contained in the fruit form a delicate surface with a dusting that looks like frost.

Unlike sliced dried fruits, tsurushi-gaki are succulently tender and moist, with concentrated persimmon flavor.






The trip is finished, and the most happiest things is I can bring kaki which we already pick to home. At first I get 4 pieces, but the number grows larger and larger, finally I bring home 10 kaki. Wonder what I can make with all of this fruits.



All team finished making and (mostly) watching dried persimmon process.

It’s a happy day!

hyogo · travel

hyogo trip : tanba-sasayama (1/2)

Today our integrated japan language course class has a one day culture trip to Tanba Sasayama village. It took 1.5 hr from hankyu rokko station to go to tanba area by bus. Around 45 students join this trip from various country. The schedule is making pottery at tamba traditional art craft park, visiting Kobe University Sasayama Field Station, free time to explore Sasayama area, persimmon picking and watch dried persimmon making and last buy souvenirs at okashi no sato tamba.



Tanba pottery is also named Tachikui Pottery beyond its origin place Tachikui at Heian period (1180-1230). It it counted as one of the ancient six potteries in Japan with Seto, Tokoname, Shigaraki, Bizen and Echizen. Tanba Tachikui Kiln is designated as a national intangible cultural asset. It consist mainly of tableware made for daily use, so you can purchase both dishes and artwork in one place.

Inspite of looking an exhibition pottery artworks, there is also pottery classroom where we can make our own original masterpieces from clay.


Everyone get one ball of clay to start with. Any dishes or shape you can make freely.


Because why not making myself new favourite bowl?!


This is so far our pottery result. It will take about 6 weeks for our item to be baked and sent back to us.


Tanba Traditional Arts and Crafts Garden, when the products is as beautiful as the surrounding view. Their works really touch a warmth sense of earth and people.


Until then we visit Sasayama Field Station to have lunch, well this field stastion generally builds for academic endeavour. And after that we get around 1 hr free time to explore Sasayama. University staffs prepare 3 plan which mainly for who like alcohol, who are interested in Japanese history and who are interested in local history. My group choose Japanese history sightseeing as it is said that it has beautiful scenery  at both Sasayama Castle and Kasuga Shrine. And we can try Japanese sweets on the way to Romankan. Buit I doubt in 1 hr we can finished all. But anyway, let’s have fun!



The Oshoin was the second enclosure of Sasayama Castle for 335 years until it was destroyed by fire in 1944. It has now been reconstructed.


In front of the Oshoin Entrance.


We can enjoy walking in the museum inside and you can see pieces of Japanese history.


We can enjoy take a walk through this passage of time and affected by this atmospheric old castle.


What a beautiful sky. The oshoin splendidly reconstructed within the ruins of sasayama castle, above 4 years they were spent on completing and especially constructing the roof of the museum. If you look closely you can see that every detail has been given consideration.


I’m enjoying the view and weather. 🙂






historical townscape is preserved and communicates the atmosphere of the castle to the present day.

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It is not only Sasayama castle as vocal point of city but its supporting city small business attract visitors too!



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I’m tired hahaha

but we still have a persimmon (kaki picking) which I will put on second post..

see you later 🙂




all of trip members in front of Romankan Cafe 

kobe · travel

kobe trip : takenaka carpentry tool museum


It’s weekend. Want to go somewhere but not so far. One of colleague recommended me to go here.

It is a carpentry tool museum by Takenaka Corp. Well, I kinda excited because this is company where I was working last year. And, my final task for university is wood carpentry museum too. So I feel curious about it.

Let’s go!


Very traditional style (but also modern though!) entrance.



There is a zen garden and we can see the museum building from the entrance gate. Peaceful atmosphere.



We can buy the museum ticket in this lobby, around 500 yen per person. And you can take photos inside.  The museum journey start by walking down stairs to B1. So it is going down down down.



In this floor we can learn about basic and oldest carpentry tool in Japan.


tak-carpentry-tool-m_3344Small tools..


And very big tools!



The sleek black wooden ceiling contrasted with wooden display, make it more standing.




A wood joint detail in Japan traditional building. It is very precise!




Carpentry tool is not just coming from Japan, but around the world, in this photo, this is coming from German.







After that we go to downstair in B2. I could say that B2 floor is more interactive room. There is workshop area, PC and library area, and bigger display like types of tree or real house mock up with tatami inside!


I try to carve the wood!




See! They have so many types of wood that we can carve.

And each wood has different smell. Very good experience.

This is workshop with glass wall, and we can wait outside in library and pc area.




Sunlight coming through the glass wall.



I’m amazed with this wooden partition. Such great detail right?!



And I try to go inside the traditional house.

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The trip is finished, we go back to upstairs.

There is public audio visual room as last room.

And we can see the Takenaka san old house. Quiet and peaceful area.






In conclusion, this museum is so calm and full of delightful wooden works. Good place to visit before afternoon tea!


tokyo · travel

tokyo trip : kitte

We take subway and commuter train to tokyo station.




but happy !




-pak jamil leh uga nih posenya..


We went to in front of Tokyo Station, Kitte Building.

From Kitte rooftop, we can see Tokyo station scenery.





Tokyo station is very old european style rather than other surrounding building. It is still ongoing renovation project, so I will wait until they finished. I believe it will be definitely beautiful, for sure.




Kitte rooftop is so cold and windy. A hot cocoa and scarf must be nice to have here. Some couples even bring blanket to sit and enjoy this view.






I’m so missed with people who can talk bahasa indonesia and in here we gossiped like no one is understand anyway. I feel so glad that I work with them and can meet them again in Japan situation. Feel a less lonely 🙂



official photo of all members..

adachi – katayama – maekawa – jamil – nyoman

lini – marcia – rahayu



Thank you for oleh oleh from Indonesia. See you again fellas.

I hope we can have more fun time in the future.


Aku sayang kalian.. Dadaaaah…. 🙂

tokyo · travel

tokyo trip : sensouji

After sky tree, we decided to go to Sensouji Temple. It’s very near to sky tree and there is a famous gate and shopping street before we enter the temple area. We believe it will be so much fun for our friends from Indonesia.


the kaminarimon (thunder) gate.




And we enter the shopping street. Let’s GO.


So this shopping street sell traditional and unique items with affordable price, it’s good place to buy omiyage. Especially if you have requested to buy Japanese theme omiyage from your beloved families and friends.

The price is ranging from 500-1500 円 but some is cheaper, and many also more expensive. But whatever your budget is, I think they sell enough something good and affordable for your wallet.


like.. traditional hair pins.


i fell in love with this pin. but I never like using hashi-type pin, so.. bye bye beautiful one.


cheap and unique lucky charms. it can bring you health, money, love and happiness.


traditional boxes.. oh and also traditional pattern handkechiefs, bags, wallets, scarfs, kimonos, yukatas, you can find almost everything here.


fortune calling cat..


wind chimes.. such a beautiful sounds they made..


Be careful not too much shopping, or spending so long time just buying things as the shopping street is still open until around 7-8pm. But the temple shop is closed at 4pm, so my advice is.. if you desire for some omamori. please go straight temple first and shopping later.


-wise word from busy shopping girls.







We were so much in fun and didn’t realize it already become night..

tak-indo-in-tokyo_9123After realized we cannot buy omamori, we play mikuji, fortune lottery. We pay for 100 円 then we shake a box of sticks until the stick with number come out. And then we search the box with matching number and take the fortune paper inside them.

If you are lucky, you will get best fortune > regular fortune > small fortune > bad fortune. Don’t worry, if you were unlucky this time, you can tie the paper in front of the mikuji lottery area. So you don’t bring bad fortune home.


My result – regular fortune. Ma ma good 🙂

Everyone is busy checking the results..


My boyfriend get best fortune. congratulations!


We also praying to the god which sleeping inside temple..


Grateful and joyful face 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀




Finally this trip almost finished. We should go back to Tokyo station because we will take shinkansen back to Osaka.


It’s been two times I visit sensouji, and it doubles my happiness. This place always have fun and happy atmosphere. You can imagine, The traditional Sensouji area is very near with the modern Sky Tree building. At one visit, you can have 2 different adventurous atmosphere.


lastly, I present our most magical photo..


sky tree view from sensouji temple.

even for just a heartbeat, everything was perfect!




tokyo · travel

tokyo trip : sky tree

We are going to Tokyo for one day yeeeey!

So some of my company’ staff going to Tokyo to join QCC competition and we cannot say no to not join them. I missed them already!

First destination is Tokyo sky tree. Actually last May I already went here, but we cannot go to up tower because of strong wind. So this time I feel excited too!


Looking outside of shinkansen window – this is my hair style for the day – beautiful hair pin from real vintage shop in Semarang. Beautiful right?!


Our trip start!


Beautiful marcia and rahayu, and jamiiiill.. and me, hihi..

7367and arrived! This is tokyo sky tree.. so tall, so great.


We wait and do some shopping at mall before going up to tower. This corner looks appealing so much to me. Maybe a gallery ? hmm.. I don’t have enough time to visit all though.


all members with sky tree feet :’) hahahaha



happy memories 🙂 🙂 🙂

And then it’s time to go up.



4 elevator reflected 4 seasons in Japan. Our up elevator is autumn decorative style.


Well, the elevator is very fast but apparently no window outside. So only animation from the monitor. A bit different style from Tokyo Tower and Abeno Harukas which have window to see outside.





Tokyo city view.


some tokyo sky tree signature omiyage, かわいい。。If I buy that, I don’t want to eat 😦


We also can try glass floor to see and feeling walking 300 m above earth. :0


It’s summer elevator when we go down. At least we already try 2 seasons. I want to go by spring and winter next times.


After enough seeing and chatting, we decide to eat at Solamachi restaurant at 31F. It’s lunch-dining with city view.

7380 7379

This is a tempura restaurant, but I don’t remember the name haha.




tempura main dish..


and last bite of our tokyo sky tree trip, the special dish, sky tree tempura!  that observatory floor is made from onion ring, hahaha. The taste is good, but too much so I share it with everyone to finished it.

See you again sky tree.





travel · yogyakarta

yogyakarta trip : kunena eatery

So we passed the baciro area and went to this restaurant for brunch (as before we cannot eat at rumah paris) and do not know what time the restaurant open. We came 30 minutes earlier and wait inside.

This restaurant has many good spots, like seriously, don’t ever miss it! And when we came, there is a couple doing prewed shoot, so this beautiful place is valid (not just based on my opinion haha).


there she is, the beautiful bride in red!




they have patio and big glass window and roof.





and we went to courtyard area, well everything is good with green around. simply catch our eyes, isn’t it?

darn that massive patterns and textures! the restaurant management surely know how to use blue color continuity to all kind of room as the detail.


the most back room is open to a garden and this big black seat sofa is very extravagant. I think it is good corner to cuddle with your partner on his/her birthday. Especially this area kind of secret though. :*



The second floor is a big spacious room with the dragon mural and navy-theme accessories. I don’t know if this place busy or not in the weekend, but judging by the amount of furnitures in here, it seems they’re hitting the town.

And of course, the food were amazing.



like, who doesn’t interested in pink-colored pasta?! it’s totally a YAAY from me!


Well, this restaurant is our last destination in this Yogyakarta trip and we have to go back to Jakarta to continue our life as company worker again (*sigh*). But surely this trip is very fun for us as we could have short runaway from the traffic-hell-jam and say bye bye to mountains of works.

I think we are so blessed in this trip, because we can stay at many spots spot and each found attractively good area for taking photos.

Yogyakarta, thank you for making good memories to us 🙂


travel · yogyakarta

yogyakarta trip : rumah paris

While driving back to Yogyakarta, we search for breakfast and stumbled upon this “bed and breakfast” Rumah Paris. Well, kinda dissapointed though because if we want to eat there, we have to reserve it before, but you are always welcome to see around this house (30 min sightseeing and taking photos Rp. 50.000). So we decided to, have a seat here, and make our money well spent.


It is real homestay, so you can sleep in 2-3 bedrooms upstair (if you interested). Whole house can be used for photography, taking film, making videos (I thought one of Indonesian band use this house as their MV properties), and maybe garden party is good idea!


As you can see, while I visit there’s some models waiting to be taking photo.


and also me in another corner try not to interrupt their session haha

anyway every corner in this house full of cute and vintage things! but well it’s too colourful, just very good to put into magazine, I don’t think so comfortable for real living :p



Well, our stomach is growling big sounds, so we have to go and search food as soon as possible. time to leave.

bye bye for now. maybe later I will try to sleep here and wake up like the owner of this house. hoho.


travel · yogyakarta

yogyakarta trip : kebun buah mangunan & hutan pinus imogiri


first of all the title mean mangunan fruit area/park and imogiri pine forest. The two destinations nearby, so you can visit both in one time. Approximately 1 hr from city center to south area, and before you coming there, make sure your transportation/vehicle you use at least can ride the steep road, you’ll gonna be fine.

Mangunan fruit park actually just a name, you cannot find fruit in here, yeah, it is only a downstair steps where you can see a river view between 2 hills. And it is so good if you take photo before 6am since the cloud is still there.



We arrived almost 7 pm, but maybe we are lucky we still can see the cloud. My friend said if we come earlier, the cloud is reaching the gate so maybe we can touch it. But at that time we are so tired and wake up 5.30 already enough though.


Don’t forget to bring your hair tie and also shades! the sunshine is pretty happy to greet us that morning that I can even smile with my eyes open that time, haha.


and this is the river itself, well this month is rainy season so color is very brownish, but if you visit another season, it surely greenish-blue normal river color.


And if you continue to visit Imogiri pine forest, just go out and follow the route, it is very near and breathtaking moment to stay and enjoy the feeling.


this is the entrance gate and the white cardigan lady is my friend 🙂


I actually don’t know what to do in here, perhaps some people only taking selfies, and I saw some couple doing pre-wed photos. And we stay only like 20 minutes. Take some snaps and go back to Yogya city centre.


Btw, I bought this shades in Aldo and I got special price as they just open branch in Yogyakarta. Do you think it is cool shape?



I’m not really shades user, but I think this is a bit vintage and suit my style. Although I didn’t use that again until now.

I hope summer coming soon and I can use those shade again!