
welcome party B4 2017

Because last welcome party (join with Hokugo sensei lab) all of B4 members didn’t come, our lab make second welcome party but only our members.

All is chicken dishes. Somewhat restaurant, somewhat cafe, somewhat izakaya styles. Semuanya enak 😊

Toriichi – Mint Kobe – 8F

トリイチ ミント神戸店


RCUSS Open Seminar June 2017

I attended RCUSS Open Seminar in Kobe City Hall. It was my opportunity to see and hear about updated disaster topic research and met with the presentators as well.

1st presentator is Ms. Elizabeth Maly who discussed : 2013 Typhoon Yolanda and Role of NGO’s in Housing Recovery

2nd presentator is Mr. Toshihisa Toyoda who discussed : Economic Aspects of Disaster Damage and Loss Assessment



After that we had some coffee chat together about Yogyakarta Research plan ahead 🐾


Kumamoto Survey Trip

I help my sensei and lab colleague doing his self-help housing reconstruction survey on Kumamoto Earthquake.Kumamoto earthquake occurred just last year (2016) and I check by myself the housing reconstruction development in this 1 year.  So far I found one interesting activity by Kumamoto people.

kumamoto is mountainous area, very green and bright sky


While in school I learned most about Hanshin Awaji Earthquake (1995) and Great East Japan Earthquake (2011), most of Japanese has a strong trust to government that government will help them. They had relied on the temporary housing and moved to permanent residence provided by apartment.

Kumamoto person is quite different (lol every region I think it has different people and characteristic). Besides relied to government help, some of them just start self-help making their house again by themselves. They purchased a container house and put it in their land, and started to demolish the house debris and constructed new house.

And our survey is that! searching people who do the self-help reconstruction. How to do this survey is, we prepare a very detailed map about one area and check every single house whether they start constructed house by themselves and purchasing container as temporary housing. It seems easy, but very though at the field because the area is Kumamoto rural mountainous area. Which mean every house has large field and to get into each other house take a long way go up and go down mountain. And we cannot miss one or two home, every home must be checked.


I cannot show the container house and house reconstruction in the survey because I think it is count as private property. But instead I can show you temporary house provided from government.

This is my first time seeing the temporary houses provided by government, I only see this from internet or book before. The design is rather same with 1995 temporary house. Can’t understand why only slight design improvement hahaha, maybe the material is now different?? Maybe.

Some of temporary house resident modify their entrance door as shown below, pretty cool. To put shoes and mailbox.



The most fascinated event for me in Kumamoto is the food. Kyushu food is very delicious!!!!

I try every type of kumamoto food: sake, fruit (watermelon), vegetables (tomato) and meat, especially horse meat is very good. And I eat horse meat for my first time. Dinner contained everything with horse, horse bacon salad, horse sushi, horse katsu, horse sashimi, horse yakiniku, horse .. etc

Memorable dinner for me.

horse yakiniku with kumamon decoration, very oishii!!!!


Also I eat unforgettable lunch here, osoba.

This soba served on a baked plate (like a roof tile). The noodle colour is green, coming from the green tea in kumamoto. Crispy noodle put into black soyu sauce is so enak. OMG. I am so hungry by seeing this photos.

The soba mise also provided very peaceful scenery, I am very awe by this situation.


And last but not least, the most famous from Kumamoto is their black bear mascot, KUMAMON.

I was like buying every piece of kumamon because they were extreme kawaii.

No regret buying them all hahahaha


Then the survey trip finished and I went back Osaka. I surely happy if I can come back again to Kumamoto 🙂

giggling kumamon kun, kawaiiiiiii..



I passed the graduate school entrance exam!

ehehehe, in Kyoto I threw my coins and wished it all gonna be well.


The school will start on October this year. Heee, can’t wait for it.


My school is one of famous university in Kansai area, but across all Japan, maybe sitting on 11-15th rank. UGM is 1st rank in Indonesia but in Asia, it still far lower than Kobe University though hehehe. After living here for 6-7 months I feel that even though Kobe is not so big city, many foreigners are dwelling here. Hence your appearance as foreigner is kinda understandable from the Kobe society perspective (ex: I went to small city but still in Osaka metro-loop and everyone in the restaurant or train was staring at me, gahh..). There is less chance people staring at you when you study in Kobe 🙂

I think my school is kinda unique as their website english interface is quite informative (than other Japan university) and it cater people who interested to take higher degree in Japan without so much fuss problems. What problems?

When I was fresh graduate, I never imagine to landed my higher degree option in Japan. It is just much bothering compare to other country. Like me and most of Indonesia students, we are fluently speaking english, so much easier to apply in english-speaking-country. Study in UK and USA really sounds appealing and we confidently think that we can communicate easier there.

And basically to be a student in many Japan universities, student has to know the professor beforehand, and has to be research student in his/her lab, and after a while, students encounter the exam until being officially accepted. Why has to go so much trouble when you can apply and accepted normally, even graduate with attending class only like many universities in Australia (enter master by coursework).

Yeah, I guess every country has its own spectrum and I like how Japan has really good bond between teacher and student. Unfortunately many Indonesia scholarships not providing this “research time” so if you didn’t get Japan based scholarship, you should prepare a hella lot of money to live in Japan and willing to spend around 6 months-1.5 year waiting & trying until before really accepted.


the engineering building area – my laboratory


For other people who interested in Kobe U, especially my graduate school, here is some good information for you :

Worldwide schedule

It follows general school period over the world (which usually start on fall season). It is good opportunity if you want sort of sandwich degree or double degree because it has the good timing.

English class available

You can take the class taught-in-english, it is a privilege for foreigners because mostly other faculty only taught-in-japanese. It will cut some slacks for learning Japanese and so you can concentrate more on your study/research (very support previous info)

Flexible Research

It accepts all sort of studies, I studied engineering, some students studied public health, education, economy, communication, etc.. Whatever it is, as long as your study has relation with international matter, I guess you can apply (but please check the curriculum before you apply).


this is me back then -2016 may 2nd


I still unsure about the future may give, short future : still no scholarship, long future : what will I do after graduate. But maybe the best help will coming right on the time. Just be positive about it, if I do my best maybe I can get something good too in the future.

gonna keep my fingers crossed XX lol.


campus sakura season

Sakura, sakura everywhere


Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies  国際協力研究


GSICS 2nd Floor


GSICS 4th floor


In front of CIE Centennial Hall



farewell party march 2017

This is farewell party for Kondo lab’s member: M2 member 4 person and B4 member 3 person.

All of them will going to work in different places.

We have dinner at Korean Restaurant Kobe Samgyeopsal 神戸サムギョプサル

Girl’s squad -lini-nanami-ayaka-naoko-

we use this time also to celebrate my tutor’s and sensei’s birthday

I just know them for roughly 6 months, but everyone is kind and also interesting.

See you again next time!



official graduation photo



I take official graduation photo in Studio Photo Kencana Yogyakarta. Well, wordpress should put images below than 1MB sooo I really sorry for low quality images. But I think this is nice. All in this photo is wonderful! Salem pink kebaya, pink rose flowers, white room, how my mother kebaya color also fit with the decoration. I totally love all the results!




I don’t believe I finished all study until now, ehehe.. Suddenly graduated in less than 4 years. I hope I can make you proud dear mom and dad..



and thank you UGM for letting me study here and Yogyakarta, thank you for being nice for this 4 years..