osaka · travel

Osaka Kaiyukan

We went to Osaka Aquarium today !!

This aquarium is older and had bigger tank than Nifrel. Yah from the facade, it looks pretty old hehe.

When we go inside, we will go to upstairs first and the floor spiral to down. Most of the tanks is so deep (about 4-5 floor if we walk in spiral floor).


What amaze me was the big tank contain 2-3 shark whales, my first time to see this creatures. So majestic swimmer.

I guess that is what make this aquarium interesting. Other than that, almost all animals same with other aquarium hehe.


osaka · travel

hirakata T-SITE

We visit a faraway town in Osaka area this weekend, Hirakata-shi. The 1st reason is to see new finished project of my bf, and 2nd reason I want to see the famous T-site building with that fantastic book shelves area. I was once or twice saw it from architecture magazine but did not remember the building name. When I saw the photos on my bf camera, ah I know this building and I want to go to see!!!

Hirakata T-site annex I

A glimpse from the station.

It’s a 2-story building that planned to be a melting pot for manga fans (maybe? I am not sure too)

The entrance is strong black color.

First floor is family mart and some other store. I like naked ceiling concept but I think this naked ceiling is not that good. I think best formula for naked ceiling is to paint all black first so it will exposed the ducting/pipe very well. Well at least it should be same textures/colors as the base.

But as the human eyes is not covering ceiling level, I think this matter is not so important for the customers. The customers still say “waahh, this place is so industrial style feeling!”. Conclusion, it still good taste. I appreciate the designer that he/she was so brave chose this design type.

let’s go to second floor!

This Tsutaya bookstore is specialized on manga section, they have some game area too.

This is the best view on my personal opinion. I like the strong black brace use as element of interior. It looks tough and elegant at the same time.

Hirakata T-site

A glimpse from the station.

Amazing facade!

Once I saw the photos in magazine but the editor took photo at day time, and I feel the facade is too complicated. But night time is different feeling, I like how the lighting can make a different shadow for each window type.

Please enjoy every single angle of my favorite area in t-site area.

This is so awesome and I can’t stop taking photos.

So that’s it!

We end up our trip with sipping our sakura coffee edition in starbucks.

bye bye t-site

will always happy to come here again 🙂

osaka · travel

osaka trip : abeno harukas


My most romantic night ever.



abeno-harukas-lini-in-japan-stcam_6068We  visit Abeno Harukas skyscrapers bulding, built by Takenaka. It is 300 metres tall and  has 62 floors making it the tallest building in Japan.

And I recommend you to visit it at night, as it is very beautiful scenery.


this is the abeno harukas mascot, abeno bear. if you write it in katakana you can read it from front or back and it still abeno bear.


Seriously, so cool mascot name.




Very good sky and in contrast with building lighting (Photo taken around 7 pm in spring time).



We took elevator to observation deck from 16F to 60F only in 45 seconds. Very fast!

And soon we astonished by very beautiful Osaka city lights view.


aaaahh たのしかった。。




abeno-harukas-lini-in-japan-stcam_517We also enjoy the cafeteria and eat some signature dish (?) Puka dog hahaha. Sort of casual skydining.



We eat outside and luckily found a table to sit  and enjoy the view. There are baby blue Abeno bear ( bubble gum flavour) and pink Abeno bear (Strawberry flavour). So cute.


I don’t know why but I feel so amazed with this dining area, almost like a render work images by pc.


enjoying the view..






Before we go home,

take a last snap of us and the city light.

osaka · travel

osaka trip : expo city

Welcome to Japan!

This is my first time visiting this country, a bit nervous, I hope everyday will be fun.

The first day we wake up so late and lazily visit osaka expo city in the middle afternoon. Weather is super nice. Sun is shining but not hot at all. I think that’s why people call this golden week.


Expo city is located in (or integrated with) Osaka Expo’70 Commemorative Park – Japan World Exposition 1970. And you can see their expo symbol : The Tower of Sun.


Expo City is a large entertainment complex, well from what I remember there are mall, aquarium, ferris wheel, cinema, pokemon centre, and playground, and other things ( I forgot). We saw many family coming to this place and the atmosphere is happy and joy everywhere.

Because we came around lunchtime this mall cafeteria is full like hell. almost waiting 30 min searching we finally get seats.


My menu : tonkotsu ramen and gyoza


His menu : mega tempura ???





After lunch, we take a look at mall briefly, well it’s cool but so so. Of course like other mall. I visit ghibli store for the first time and cannot be helped, I buy some stuffs, a bag, mirror and clutch bag :3 I’m so happy!





Well in here there is also pokemon centre, and pokemon gym. Many kids were queueing to enter the gym. Giant pikachu is giving me signal to take photo! Yeaa yeaaa..



Please catch me into your pokeball -linichu 🙂



Large scale gundam.


And we take our time to visit an aquarium : Nifrel. Btw it’s just opened this year so I bet inside must be new and high tech exhibition.



me with my ghibli treasures inside.


There are a lot of exhibition rooms inside and divided by each theme, and I enjoy every moments so much. Especially this room, I’m totally amazed by the world hologram and sound and video, it’s total beautiful.

nifrel-lini-in-japan-lncam_1248nifrel-lini-in-japan-stcam_1407 nifrel-lini-in-japan-stcam_8163

To be short, if you visit expo city, you must pay a visit to this place.



fail wefie in front of nifrel – only our faces show hahaha..



Near Expo City we can see Namba Stadium. Just walking through upstairs and from the bridge the big stadium will be seen easily. I like their roof design. Simple and chic. If I’m not wrong, the designer said it  is came from a forms of people embracing each other (like a hug).




(I’m not ready for wefie, heeey)





bye bye Expo City

will visit you again if your ferris wheel finished 🙂
