
sakura at shukugawa


My first time sakura hanami in my life!!


This is near my home, a ma-ma-famous sakura park in Kobe area,

Shukugawa Koen ε€™ε·ε…¬εœ’.

I visit with my new kawaii floral skirt πŸ‘—

I like how winter make my face looks so fresh! So happy feeling!

Do you think my outfit match with sakura bloom? I hope so πŸ™‚

I cannot wait for next sakura season!!


ashiya sakura matsuri

It’s early April. Everyone said that sakura will bloom at the beginning of April. But unlucky this year, sakura san might be still sleepy of winter season and plan to bloom later.

By the way, the sakura festival must go on even the sakura itself not yet bloom. So far alongside the river only this one sakura tree start blooming.


Β Β 

I am enjoying γ‚γŸγŒγ— , with very light sweet taste. めっけゃフワフワ..



This is my first time seeing so many people melt at Ashiya (usually this city not that busy ehehe)

Look how the sakura tree alongside the river prepare to bloom. I bet this view will be so good next week!


kezia visiting japan

My brother ex gf coming to japan. Eventhough not in relationship anymore, she still lovely in my mind. And I cannot help to not meet her! I prepare small omiyage for her as new year Japan memory! An “Alice in Wonderland” Diary and famous frixion pen type.


When she stop by at Osaka, I rush to Shinsaibashi to meet her. This is my first time going to Shinsaibashi and Dotonbori too, so I feel double happiness.


  1. We enter disney store.


2. Trying authentic takoyaki.

3. Taking photo in front of Glico Man.

Because the glico man environment is so dark and we are not so smart to setting the camera, we failed to take photo in front of glico san. But instead we take photo at the bridge.


4. We buy waffles too!

Since she must go back to hotel at 8pm, we have to say goodbye.

Thank you for visiting Japan and see you again in Indonesia, Kezia chan!


new year in tsukuba

From 30th december 2016-3rd january 2017, I went to Tsukuba to celebrate new year. (My boyfriend house).


Last year I also visited Tsukuba once, but only for a lunch. But now, I am trying new year experience in Japanese way. We travel by shinkansen and bus (1hr). It is like mudik/pulang kampung situation in Indonesia. Every station and terminal full of people to go to their hometown.

welcome snack, is it kind of traditional snack?! maybe, I forgot hahaha..


First morning after arrived, I had been invited to go to home & garden supplies, Boyfriend father interested to making me, my own hydroponic plant. Since it is winter I am not sure they can survive, but still, he suggest to try it though.

This is home & garden store..

Finally we pick up 3 types of plants, Kalanchoe, Cordyline, and English Ivy. Not forget to buy the ceramic pot, organic potting soil, and some mineral stone. Kalanchoe カランコエ is the one with flower, cordyline コルジγƒͺネ is the tallest one, and the ivy γƒ˜γƒ‡γƒ©γ‚€γƒ³γ‚ΈγƒͺγƒΌγ‚Όγ€€the ivy plants below. I hope they can survive winter because not so many sunlight inside house. If I put outside they will be so cold (these plants need 16-21 degree celcius temperature).




The night before new year we celebrate with eating sushi. Sushi dinner start at 6 pm, and actually at 9pm or so, we had another dishes, the noodles. But I forgot to take photo because I am tipsy and drunk hehe.

salmon, squid, tuna, egg, cucumber, ikura, all served nicely and fresh.

very delicious! from the photo you can see how delicious it was!


And not forget to drink beer, to my surprise only father that can drink beer (in large quantity). So we both suddenly drinking beer and japanese sake.

Guess after a lot of sparkling wine and beer (when I ate sushi) which not gave me any effect, boyfriend father started to pouring japanese sake to my glass, well, after 8th glass I feel drunk but still conscious, but I do not want to be wasted in someone house LOL, so I politely go back to room and put myself to sleep.

this is the brand of japanese sake..



The new year breakfast also cute actually, but my apologize for not taking photo, I just do not want to be rude for taking photos continously hahaha. So let’s straight to new year dinner. We ate beef! So good, so enak, so oishii..

this also crab season so I try the crab in japanese way. Well it’s kinda plain for me because crab dishes in Indonesia is full of spices (typical cut the crab style, balado, bbq, etc..). But yeah as you know everything in japan is take quality of product itself as number one requirement, the important taste is the freshness. But south east asian dishes will also put spices and sauce to make your mouth-watering tongue start. Guess that is culture differences, to the truth both is okay for me.



This is my first time celebrating new year in japan and lucky me I get the excellent japanese way to celebrate it, in a homey style.

Back in Indonesia, when it come to new year celebration, we tends to make mega noises. At least 1 hours fireworks and trumpets will not stop until the sun rise. To get beautiful view, we have to booking skyscrapers, or going to big field to enjoy the fireworks (2013 I did it in alun alun selatan, yogyakarta!) . And it was sooooo happy eerie feeling, but to top of that, I hate the traffic jam into and exit the field hahaha. Completely different, Japan very calm, no fireworks, no trumpets and I guess every house celebrate in their home mostly like this, so family feeling! Well both is fun, you should experienced both. I am missing my family but you know, they treat me like they own family, I don’t feel bad.

Thank you Mrs. & Mrs. Adachi Β for the kindest and greatest invitation for me, surely it will be memorable for me πŸ˜‰

Well this is my happy new year story. Β Looking forward with another experience and journey through 2017, and I hope we can reunited again in same situation next year.

Happy new year 2017!


Kobe LuminarieγƒΌη₯žζˆΈγƒ«γƒŸγƒŠγƒͺエ


Kobe Β luminarie is an annual light festival event every December since 1995. It purposes to commemorate Hanshin Awaji Earthquake which took so many losses at that time. Well these days I think it includes many feelings like an earlier christmasΒ event though.




Walking to Kobe luminarie venue is a bit pain in the ass. It was surely a lot of people and took around 1.5 hrs to finally see the LIGHT. The venue itself is near with Sannomiya station and I recognized the venue by myself around 1 week before the event. My boyfriend suggest me to stop at Motomachi station but I insisted to go by Sannomiya because I don’t understand why I have to walk 1 station to get to the event. And later we found out the starting walk to the event was from Motomachi station. I am sulked, like, I’m not familiar yet with this kanji so why you don’t tell me clearly what you want to say, geez. But anyway, we hurry up walking from Sannomiya to Motomachi and start walking to venue with thousands of people from Motomachi.




And arrived! to the first gate of light. Gigantically beautiful lighting sculpture.

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And as entering the venue, very big circular of light welcoming us. Well, it was so many people at that time (can you see the black head from photos? hahaha) a bit difficult to take photo as not pushing other people at same time.


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A christmas chapel is build and people throwing up coins for earthquake donation, so Japanese style.

But yeah it was nice and wonderful night.





ashiya danjiri matsuri

It’s an annual autumn festival in here. So they push this cart around some place in Ashiya.



I just happened to see this after walk out from Hankyu-ashiyagawa station. Bright, noisy, lively and so many kids!



But sadly I can see the festival because I head back to Osaka, and when the train coming, the festival just start 😦

meanwhile in Osaka… we sat, eating crepes, finishing our day like..


“Ahh.. finally phone matter finished, so relieved, so happy. We can make call, use line (eventhough new line id), and own internet network with optimal price ever..”


Day – 2

I was inside house when I realized sound became louder. Eh? is it already passed? So we checked and found they making entertainment in Sanjo park.


This is the performance tasks : some genki men push or pull this cart, very strong men yeah! Leader seating in the front. Inside the cart, there was drummer. Dancer at the roof top and ladies in the back side all marching. Kids, parents and citizens also marching along this cart.


(my camera wasn’t good with moving object – sorry)


And we saw them marching along the street.

I said γŒγ‚“γ°γ‚γ†οΌγŒγ‚“γ°γ‚γ†οΌin my heart to the men who pulled and pushed the cart. This is not an easy job, right?. Well, semangat kakak-kakak..


And finally they finished in front of shrine. Thank you for the event. We feel a lot of fun when walking with them.



good night!