
ashiya grand park

Today I visit school to show my new residence card. Because it was too early to go home, I decided to walk to Ashiya grand park.

I took bus (36) from Shindai Senmon Mae to Hanshin Mikage Station, and change to train to Hanshin Ashiya. From Hanshin Ashiya, I walk about 45minutes to Ashiya Grand Park.

Last time I visited here was autumn season, so the leaf apparently red and brown. But today all is green.


because it is weekday, the playground looked empty, only kids below 3yo coming with their mom.


This park had small manmade beach.

at least everyone in this city can enjoy this beach πŸ™‚



Tonight it should be our farewell dinner but unexpectedly my visa should be extended now instead later when I go back again to Japan. Β But we already booking reservation at Kotafuku last week, so tonight is not farewell dinner, but UNAGI PARTY! πŸŽ‰

All ingridients include unagi (except tempura and chocolate dessert)

Everything is delicious πŸ˜‹


KFC Party

We celebrate valentine and white day this year with eating KFC. We celebrate not with flowers or elegant dining but better than that, fried chicken night! πŸ—πŸŸ

This is my first KFC delivery order in Japan. Yes, Satofumi delivery order ’cause he bike to KFC by himself πŸ˜‚


ashiya river – θŠ¦ε±‹ε·

Ashiya is a city between Kobe and Osaka. Small.. Peaceful.. Complete scenery (montain yes, sea yes – although no one swim in that sea).. Totally good living environment.

And this is the recognizable view of Ashiya city, Ashiya river.


At the time I was taking photo is not so many water, is it related to autumn season (?) I’m not sure.

7336Well, I am agree if some people says that this city was like theΒ beverly hills of Japan. Also there is no pachinko allowed in this city. I guess the standard living in here a bit different with other area (?).


Yeah, and I close my day today by walking along Ashiya-gawa with a good sunset light.