kobe · travel

kobe trip : rokko alpine botanical garden

Second destination in this rokko trip is Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden 六甲高山植物園 .

About 1,500 varieties of alpine and cold-region plants from around the world are cultivated here in near-natural conditions. Enjoy flowers year round, especially in the cherry blossom and autumn foliage seasons. But I’m coming in June which mean green green and green everywhere.

In this season we can enjoy some of famous flower like :

  1. day lily ニッコウキスゲ


2. mini/petite hydrangea 小アジサイ


3. Nephentes sp. ウツボカズラ科


4. some alpine flower inside the glass house (edelweiss – エーデルワイス


5. and some flowers I didn’t know the name but so beautiful with green scenery..




The trip in Rokko Alpine is finished, time to eat. But when we arrived Edelweiss Cafe, almost all lunch menu finished (only cake-set available!) So we decide go to Garden Terrace to have some lunch.

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