
welcome party april 2017

Hokugo lab and Kondo lab join welcome party πŸŽ‰

Planned to hold outdoor party but suddenly rain, so move to RCUSS to have indoor BBQ party

food food food

remain member of hokugo lab was so many person! our lab only 3, me-inaba-oz hahaha.

introducing all the members..

happy happy time


campus sakura season

Sakura, sakura everywhere


Graduate School of International Cooperation Studiesγ€€ ε›½ιš›ε”εŠ›η ”η©Ά


GSICS 2nd Floor


GSICS 4th floor


In front of CIE Centennial Hall



sakura at shukugawa


My first time sakura hanami in my life!!


This is near my home, a ma-ma-famous sakura park in Kobe area,

Shukugawa Koen ε€™ε·ε…¬εœ’.

I visit with my new kawaii floral skirt πŸ‘—

I like how winter make my face looks so fresh! So happy feeling!

Do you think my outfit match with sakura bloom? I hope so πŸ™‚

I cannot wait for next sakura season!!


ashiya sakura matsuri

It’s early April. Everyone said that sakura will bloom at the beginning of April. But unlucky this year, sakura san might be still sleepy of winter season and plan to bloom later.

By the way, the sakura festival must go on even the sakura itself not yet bloom. So far alongside the river only this one sakura tree start blooming.


Β Β 

I am enjoying γ‚γŸγŒγ— , with very light sweet taste. めっけゃフワフワ..



This is my first time seeing so many people melt at Ashiya (usually this city not that busy ehehe)

Look how the sakura tree alongside the river prepare to bloom. I bet this view will be so good next week!